It has been brought to our attention that Aeon Investment Management’s Name, Branding and FSP details have been fraudulently used to sell fake investment products/investment schemes to unsuspecting consumers on various social media platforms.

Please note that Aeon Investment Management does not conduct business on social media platforms, and this includes WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. Furthermore, Aeon Investment Management will not contact consumers via Email, Telephone or SMS to advertise any of its investment products or request personal information. Individuals that are interested in investing with Aeon Investment Management can only do so via the secure investment portal on our website.

If you are contacted by individuals through any social platform, email, telephone, or SMS who claim to work for Aeon Investment Management, please do not respond to them and advise others to do the same. If you are not sure whether you are speaking to an authorised Aeon Investment Management employee, rather contact the firm on 021 204 6068/6 or and we will verify for you.

Most importantly, please remember that we do not guarantee returns and any investment that promises you high returns such as “double your investment in 24 hours” are likely a scam. Fraudsters have also started to increase the length of the investment period to make the scam more believable, please be aware of this.

If you have unfortunately fallen victim to this scam, we urge you to immediately report the matter to the South African Police Service and share the case number with us, along with all other communication with the fraudsters so that we can report the matter to the FSCA.

#BeFraudAware #SpreadTheWord