Our Investment Philosophy

Growth at a Reasonable Price

Our investment philosophy is based on the conviction that significant inefficiencies can occur in the market, at different times across a range of asset classes and strategies.

In our structured investment process, we monitor and value a wide range of opportunities to best capitalize on these inefficiencies.

Responsible Investing

To publicly demonstrate commitment to responsible investment Aeon Investment Management became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2014.

Proxy Voting

Our firm follows the King IV Code, using the Five Principles outlined in the CRISA and the Six Principles outlined in the PRI when making decisions on votes on behalf of our clients. 


Our firm has a selection of funds that cater to the astute investor looking for long term wealth creation.

“The first rule of investing is never to lose money. The second rule of investing is to never forget the first rule.” – Warren Buffet